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Heather Greene


Heather joined the firm in January 2022 as a Legal Assistant within the Conveyancing  Department dealing with residential conveyancing matters.

What Heather says:

I started with Martin Tolhurst in 2022 as a Legal Assistant and have worked in Conveyancing for the last 10 years.  I very much enjoy working in Conveyancing and this lead me to undertake the CLC Diploma for Licenced Conveyancers which I completed in November 2023.  I now work as a Conveyancer and very much enjoy the variety of the work and the interaction with clients.  My aim is to combine my organisation skills and the ability to multi-task with a friendly and approachable manner. 

Outside of work I enjoy the slow pace of a canal boat holiday and I also love the arts – trips to the theatre and galleries and reading.  I also love singing (not very well) in a choir.

If I was not a Conveyancer I would be...

I would love to be a poet!

If I were stranded on a desert island and could take three books with me, they would be...

The complete works of Shakespeare (that would keep me busy), The Diddakoi by Rumer Godden (my favourite childhood book) and Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys (my favourite grown-up book).