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The family-focus of Christmas is often followed in January with news of unhappy couples calling it a day, leading to so-called Divorce Day, as family lawyers receive a surge of enquiries when they re-open after the break.
Generally, divorce applications rise considerably as we enter the New Year. January is the time for New Year’s resolutions and new starts, which often prompts people to take that formal step of ending their relationship after a difficult few months or years. Traditionally, statistics show that more people petitioned for divorce in January than at any other time of the year
Married couples are together a lot more during the holidays. With January being a time where most people look to make a change, spending time with a spouse and realising you are unhappy in a relationship can result in the marriage breaking down.
According to the Ministry of Defence, there were 28,865 applications for a Divorce between January to March this year. A further 24,624 applications were registered between April to June (75% from sole applicants, 25% from joint application) Although this is down 30% from the same period last year when the new divorce law was introduced and cases rose, overall it is still significantly higher than the rate of divorce a few years ago.
The emotional and financial stress of divorce may lead to anxiety, depression or even substance abuse according to a survey by the Positive Parenting Alliance which found that 95% of couples reported their mental health suffered during their divorce. Even in a no-fault break up, the legal process can take a long time and be expensive, as couples negotiate how to divide their assets and work out maintenance payments, and arrangements for their children.
Ending a marriage can be a tough process, and what’s needed is a well-informed, collaborative approach. The couple, and anyone supporting or advising them, need to be focused on achieving an outcome through positive negotiation, focused on a positive future.
Our team of expert solicitors are on hand to offer up to date and reliable legal advice, and to help you reach a decision that is best you.