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Child Law Solicitors

When a relationship breaks down the arrangements for children can often cause a great deal of tension and stress for parents and children alike. 

Both parents, as long as they are named on the birth certificate or if married to one another at any time, will have Parental Responsibility for their children. When parents no longer live together, it is necessary to decide who the children will live with, when they will see the other parent and other issues about their care. The courts encourage parents to agree arrangements for their children between themselves rather than letting personal differences get in the way of what is best for the children.

Wherever possible our solicitors will work with you to avoid conflict and to reach an amicable solution through negotiations. Our specialist family solicitors approach matters in a child focused way and encourage parents to come to an agreement.  If this is not possible we can guide you through the court process. If the courts do need to get involved, their paramount consideration is what is in the child’s best interests and can make the following orders:

  • Child Arrangements Order - an order that includes with whom the children will live, and when they will spend time with the other parent 
  • Specific Issue Order - an order made to be used when parents cannot agree on a particular issue to do with the welfare of the children such as the choice of a school, religion or healthcare. 
  • Prohibited Steps Order - an order that sets out certain actions a parent cannot take without the consent of the court, such as taking children out of the country.
  • Parental Responsibility Order: an order that gives the father parental responsibility if the parents were unmarried or where he is not named as the father on the birth certificate

We will provide you with expert legal advice and support you at every stage to get the best solution for you and your children. For further information call our New Enquiries team on 01634 728111 to find out how we can help you.